Wednesday 13 April 2022

French 1st Carabiniers

 Next off the production line is the 1e Carabiniers a Cheval. With only two Carabinier regiments in the French army, at least I can say I have now painted half of them:

The figures are again Foundry, and were nice clean castings again with next to no cleanup required:

The flags are again from GMB. The light blue I have used looks rather more vivid in these pictures than is apparent in normal light:

At around the halfway point I was a little disappointed with the way they were looking, but once I applied the different shades of white it really pulled all the colours together and I was pleased with the final result. Much more pleased than I thought I was going to be:

That's twenty French cavalry regiments now completed, with just four regiments of lancers left to go:

I also completed three more figures to add on to the 8th Cuirassier regiment:

My original purchase included three casualty figures. Although they added a bit of variety to the unit they were not overly practical from a gaming perspective, so I completed these to use alongside the other charging figures in that unit:

Next will be the first of the line lancer regiments which I am hoping to complete over Easter.


  1. Smashing looking unit Lawrence!

    1. Thanks Ray, the brass cuirass gives them a unique look.

  2. Lovely unit Lawrence. I'm impressed at the level of your output and how you maintain the high standard as well.
    I often share that "half-way through the job" blues as well. Usually works out well in the end.

    1. Cheers Richard. At least in this case I had the actual uniform as a guide. It always feels far more speculative when painting irregulars and wondering what colour combinations are going to work.

  3. Glad you ended up happy, they look marvelous from here!

    1. Thanks Pancerni. Yes, from a feeling of slight disappointment to being very pleased within the space of a few hours.

  4. Superb brushwork, Lawrence. If only I could paint half as good as you.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Very kind of you to say that, but in all seriousness I think the same about your work. Always a delight to behold.

  5. Great stuff Lawrence. Carabiniers have the best uniform don’t they?

    1. Cheers Mark. I wasn't convinced until the white when on, which was one of the last things I did. It all looked a little garish up until that point, but when I had finished I thought to myself they are now definitely one of my favourites.

  6. Another lovely looking unit.....I had Carabiniers forty years ago, courtesy of some super cheap Ros and Heroics 25mm figures ...ten or twelve for 50p....( that was VERY cheap, even by the standards of the times!) Needless to say, they weren't particularly good figures, but they were on a par with Minifigs, and adequate for mt teenage requirement! Maybe I need to add a unit of Perry plastic Carabiniers to my current French collection.....

    1. I didn't know Heroics and Ros made 25mm figures. I hve a fair bit of their WWII 1/300th stuff though, which is lovely stuff. I must drag it out again and have another look at some of it.

  7. These came out superbly, Lawrence. I have the exact same Foundry figures for my one Carabinier regiment

    1. Cheers Peter. I'm never disappointed with Foundry. Good, solid and clean castings. I think one Carabinier regiment is enough for most table-sized engagements.

  8. Splendid looking Carabiniers! Lovely uniform, really well done,you're goinf to run out of regiments to do soon at this rate!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Twenty-four is my target and I don't think I'll be going beyond that any time soon. I have quite a good mix in there which should give me enough for most scenarios.

  9. I read once, a long time ago, that the Carabiniers thought of themselves as a part of the Imperial Guard. They certainly look like they belong in their brass currasses. I have an illustration of one (and a cuirassier) on my wall. Your figures are (as always) top knotch.
