Wednesday 19 October 2022

Final batch of 15mm Medieval English Longbowmen

A quick post on my final batch of  15mm Medieval English Longbowmen. I wanted to slip these in before I got started on a Teutonic army as I know if I leave them too long I will forget what colours I used on the previous group, and how I tackled the figures:

I know others keep a record of the colours, but the details on each figure and my interpretation of what they represent is also the type of thing I find difficult to remember if I have left it too long between batches:

The figures are again from Khurasan and were great to paint:

That's another twelve elements, or 48 figures, completed to provide a total of 24 elements and 96 figures of English longbow:

Here they are with the original group. At least I know I have the nucleus of an English 100 Years War army now completed and a useful contingent of allies for the many other medieval army lists in which they make an appearance:

I think I'll carry on with medievals for a little longer, while I still have the motivation, and have made a start on the Teutonic army. Hopefully more on that within the next week.


  1. Another fine batch of longbowmen, Lawrence! 48 in one go? That is a larger number than I enjoy tackling at one time.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Yes, 48 is definitely my limit, but my motivation was to complete them quickly so I can get started on the Teutonic project.

  2. 48 at a time of any figure is a good size batch. If you're looking to paint even more then a painting log is a good idea. The figures look swell and no doubt will be useful in many scenarios.

    1. Cheers Joe. I do keep notes on certain things, such as basing, wood and so forth, but when it comes to uniforms I'd much rather try to get everything I need done in the one project so I don't have to return to them Thankfully it has worked reasonably well so far.

  3. They look fantastic Lawrence. You have my admiration for doing 48 in one go. That would be a test of my resolve.

  4. Thanks Richard. Thirty-two 15mm and twenty 28mm figures is the batch size I'm most comfortable with, and I only tackled these in such large numbers so I can get stuck into the next project more quickly, which served as great motivation.

  5. I can imagine the arrow storm. 😀

    1. They are fairly deadly under DBMM, especially when you can pay for temporary fortifications in the form of stakes for them to stand behind.

  6. Sure I commented on these previously, Lawrence, but as I mentioned to Stu on Dust Sweat and Dice, sometimes my comments don't seem to register when done on the old iPad.....the longbow men look great, by the way!

    1. Thanks Keith. Blogger does have its strange quirks at times, and I have found I have either not commented or have inadvertently commented twice when the first one doesn't appear.

  7. Great looking and useful 100 years war longbowmen, I really will have to get back to that stalled project, as I've had the figures for over 5 years but at the moment it's all Napoleonic!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. As I have been doing these I have lately been thinking I can't wait to get stuck into some more Napoleonics. A few more months of medievals and I will get stuck into some French artillery.

  8. Lovely longbowmen, Lawrence. You are on a roll!
