The first of the line lancer units in the queue, the 1st Regiment were converted from the 1st Dragoon regiment which, I subsequently remembered I have also completed. No great problem as if they ever make it onto a table at the same time, the 1st Dragoons can make way and become the 3rd Dragoons (or I might simply go back and just change the label on the command stand and be done with it):
The figures are Foundry, and the flag from GMB as usual:
The lance pennons are also from GMB. They would have been easy enough to make myself, but I like the subtle shading on the GMB flags and pennons which gives the appearance of material fluttering in the breeze:
The figures were actually quite difficult to glue on to the horses as the contact point wasn't obvious with these figures. With the added steps of gluing pennons to lances and lances to figures I got myself into a bit of a mess at one stage, with lances stuck to the back of my hand and pennons which I subsequently realised I had affixed upside down.
I also went a little darker than the green I used for the dragoons. I realise it could perhaps be a shade or two lighter, but am not unhappy with the result.

That's the first of three lancer regiments completed then, with the other two hopefully following within the next week and a bit. I hope I'm not boring people too much with this procession of French cavalry but I want to get all 24 regiments completed before I become distracted again, especially as some 15mm Medieval Spanish are threatening to jump the queue.