Monday 4 May 2020

15mm Tibetan Dismounted Cavalry

The last unit in this army is twelve stands of dismounted cavalry, which can then be used as a superior spear-armed foot unit:

One of the elements represents a dismounted Tibetan king with a couple of standard bearers, just in case the C-in-C needs to himself dismount at any stage. That said, it is something I don't think I'd be going out of my way to do, especially as one has to pay the additional points for them being mounted in the first place and it is quite easy for them to lose their horses in combat once they are on foot:

As with the rest of the army, the figures are again from Khurasan:

That's the Tibetans completed then, and I'll try to arrange a group photo before I move on to the next project.


  1. Impressive, Lawrence! You knocked out this Tibetan Army in seemingly no time at all. Your dismounted heavy cav. Look great. Surprising that these heavily armored warriors fought dismounted.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I haven't read an account of them actually having fought dismounted and can't see that they would have done it often, if at all. I can imagine that if you fell or got off an armoured horse in the midst of battle, you would have needed a fair bit of help getting back on.

  2. Impressive work mate. What we can achieve if you cut back work eh...tells us something doesn’t it?

    1. Thanks Mark. I think my painting output has actually slowed a little during the lockdown, but given that I'm spending more time at home that may just be an illusion. I wish I did keep monthly stats then I'd have a better idea. I do suspect though if I didn't have any work, some of my projects would drift as I wouldn't be as conscious of having to maximise painting opportunities.

  3. Impressive collection, they look great and so strong!

    1. Cheers Phil, they do look as though they would be tough to come up against.

  4. More great work Lawrence ... Nice paint work and as I said last time, these are very nicely sculpted figures. Well done on completing the what's next?!

    1. Thanks Keith. I have another bunch of Republican Romans on the painting desk at the moment. Not very exciting, but I want to get a few more of them done before picking up another project.

  5. Lovely looking dismounted cavalry! Army complete? That's fast work to a high standard! Bring on the Republican Romans!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain. Yes, I estimate about three months in total, which is not a bad effort.

  6. "Three months" he says. "Not bad" he says!
    ...For an entire army, and one with a boatload of cavalry to boot!

    Nothing short of Amazing, Lawrence! :-)

    1. Thanks Peter. I was quietly pleased with the progress, but at the same time I still felt I could have gone at a quicker pace if it weren't for all the prospective odd jobs that were suddenly being noticed during the confinement.

  7. Nice work! Dismounted spears are very useful in DBA and I normally take four elements to deal with T'ang 8Bw stands that otherwise disrupt cavalry charges.

    Regards, Chris
