Wednesday 29 May 2024

AWI British 20th, 49th and 62nd Regiments Completed

Even though it has been relatively slow progress I managed to complete three more AWI British regiments this month, albeit with twenty figures per battalion rather than the previous twenty-four. Most of the OOBs for the British Grenadier rules call for battalions of twenty figures or less, so the inclusion of three smaller battalions seemed fully justified especially as they are without their grenadier or light companies:

First up, the 20th East Devonshire regiment:

It was also nice to make a return to metal, and to tackle figures in different poses to the already completed plastic figures:

Next off the production line is the 62nd Wiltshire which are described by CE Franklin as having buff facings of a yellowish or linen hue, which I have taken to be roughly the same colour as that used by GMB on the regimental flag:

The third battalion to complete the trio is the 49th Hertfordshire Regiment:

The obligatory casualty dials to accompany each regiment:

The other nice change of pace was that these figures have been sculpted wearing packs as opposed to the plastic figures which are carrying blanket rolls. The completion of these three units brings the total to eight battalions finished so far:

Next up, two combined grenadier battalions.


  1. You are so productive on the painting front. Numerous and handsome additions to your quickly growing AWI collection. Great job!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I feel as though I am just crawling along at a snail's pace. Compared to painting 15mm figures I probably am.

  2. definitely Crushing it on the painting. ^0 figures and they all look great. Very good units. 😁

    1. Thanks Stew. I'm nearly halfway through the British contingent now.

  3. Lovely work on the "Bloody Backs" Lawrence - and I have to keep reminding myself, I already have PLENTY AWI Brits - its only their opposition I need now!

    1. And what good progress you are making with them Keith. I hope to get started on a few myself before the end of the year.

  4. Nicely done Lawrence lovely to see splendid red coats ready for battle. I too have a mix of 20 and 24 man units 👍

    1. Thanks Matt. Yes, I couldn't see the point in doing them all as 24 figures if some of the stands will never make it on to a table, and 20 figures is still quite a large unit when one considers that the lights and grenadiers have been detached.

  5. My own units are built the same way, quite unintentionally, withtgd line in units if 20;and the combined grenadiers as 24s. Lovely work.

    1. Thanks Mark. Twenty-four does look quite meaty, but difficult to justify too many of them in most of the OOBs I have read, unless the ration is dropped to something like 1:20. I'll probably do militia units of thirty though, when I get around to them.

  6. More fabulous redcoats Lawrence.
    The British units with yellow or buff facings always look good against their red coats, I reckon.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James. There seem to have been a lot of yellow-faced regiments in the AWI and they do look good, even if it can be a painful colour to paint.

  7. Some very fine looking Battalions there, Lawrence. Hardly a snail's pace!
