Monday 31 May 2021

French 4th Dragoons

The first of four line dragoon regiments, I had originally intended these to be 1st Dragoons. However when I remembered that regiment had been converted to lancers in 1811 and that all my cavalry flags are 1812 issue I switched them to become 4th Dragoons:

Not that switching them involved any additional work as the only difference between the two regiments is that the 1st had vertical pockets whereas those of 4th were horizontal. Thankfully none of the pockets on these Foundry charging figures are visible (well, apart from the officer, but cavalry officers were notorious for doing their own thing anyway):

My third attempt at attaching a flag and a label to this unit has worked, which is just as well as I would have run out of spares again:

That's ten French cavalry regiments now completed since Christmas, a much slower rate than previous years:

This has been for a variety of reasons, including getting the house ready over the best part of a month for a Christening party for grandchild number one and also an increased study load in an attempt to hasten the completion of a part-time law degree I undertook for "fun" five years ago, but which I am now keen to finish. Next up, the first of three Perry dragoon regiments.


  1. Superb looking dragoons! You took on a law degree for fun? Best wishes at the Christening party.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. The Christening gathering was on Sunday just gone, so at least that's cleared my weekends for the next few months. The law degree was something I intended to do in the 80's but ended up falling into a business degree instead, so it is really just fulfilling an ambition. I've got pretty much everything I wanted out of it, but only have 6 out of 32 subjects left to go so intend to complete it.

  2. A lovely looking Dragoon regiment, Lawrence. No elite company in bearskins, though? :-)

    1. Cheers Peter. I have included some nice Perry elite company figures in the forthcoming other dragoon units, and am finding them fun to do. You can't beat a bearskin.

  3. Ten cavalry regiments since Christmas? Egads, and as nice as these!

    1. Thanks Pancerni. I have managed to fill three of my storage boxes with them, so it is some definite progress.

  4. Grest looking Dragoibs Lawrence. 10 cavalry regiments in 6 months ain't bad going! Keep up the great work.

    1. Cheers Ray. Yes, I would have been more than happy with 10 back in my younger days, but I feel as though I could have done a few more. Either way, 10 regiments is nothing compared to your prodigious output over the course of the painting challenge.

  5. Lovely dragoons, well done!!

  6. Another nice bunch of French cavalry Lawrence...and I really should stop my bleating about having to paint sixty GNW cav, given how many you have in your painting queue!

    1. Thanks Keith, although there is a difference in that I enjoy painting horses (even more than the trooper figures), whereas you don't, so I think you are justified in your complaints.

  7. A great looking unit Lawrence, is it just me or do the command figures look larger than the troopers?
    Wish I had got that many units finished in the last year and a half let alone since xmas.

  8. Thanks Tony. I think it is a deceptive angle, as the troopers are leaning forward over their horses in a charge position and the command figures are more upright. The troopers are actually a two-part figure with the bottom half part of the horse figure.

  9. Splendid looking dragoons! I would be interested to know how they look against their later Perry cousins! I must push on with my next unit of dragoons too!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain. The next three dragoon regiments I have ahead of me are all Perry and they do look very similar to my eye, both in height and style.
