Wednesday 9 January 2019

Last of the Gallic Warband

The last of the figures off the production line 2018, with the basing completed over the Christmas/New Year holidays. These represent another eighty-four 15mm Gallic warband figures in twenty-one elements of four figures each:

I did however combine these elements into bases of eight figures each, which should make them less fiddly to manoeuvre around the table:

The shield designs are again by Little Big Men Studios, and I believe I have finally mastered their application to a level I am satisfied with. This essentially involves not letting the water remain on the back of the decals too long as I find that this can wash out the colours, and completing them in batches of fifteen shields at a time would appear to be around the right length of time to ensure that the decal sets without the colours bleeding:

All of this is more than adequately covered in the instructions provided by Steve of Little Big Men Studios I hasten to add, but there is nothing like a bit of trial and error until one refines a technique that works:
I'm glad to have completed this component of the army as it represents over three hundred figures across seventy-five elements. The DBMM army lists allow an additional fifteen elements, but I really don't think I had it in me to trot out another sixty of these:

Which brings me to the grand total of figures completed during 2018; exactly 880 figures comprised  of 601 foot and cavalry riders alongside 179 horses. I really only keep broad numbers, but have calculated this to have been 449 Gauls with 69 horses, all 15mm, and 152 Ottoman Turks with 110 horses in 28mm.

Probably not a bad effort all things considered, especially as it has seen the completion of the Ottoman Turkish Army and the near-completion of the Gauls, with only the Gaesatae and a dozen chariots to go.


  1. Gauls look superb, Lawrence! "Probably not a bad effort" is an understatement! Outstanding figure count for 2018. Well done!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. While 2018 was probably my most productive year to date, I can never escape the feeling that there was always room for a few more!

  2. Great collection by Toutatis!

    1. Thanks Phil. That reminds me, I have some 28mm Asterix figures somewhere that I really should complete.

  3. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Cheers Codsticker. While this project has been fun, I have to say I'm quite happy that I can now see an end in sight to it.

  4. end in sight...that is not a term I am overly familar with. Great work.

    1. Yes, and within half an hour of typing that I placed an order for another five packs of Gauls that I suddenly realised I desperately needed.

  5. More great looking Gauls! Sounds like impressive numbers to me!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. It will be quite a substantial army when completed, and hopefully reasonably effective if I can bolster them with some Spanish.

  6. Wonderful looking figures again - one could easily be forgiven for thinking that they were 28mm rather than their diminutive brethren - great work Lawrence

    1. Thanks Keith, although again I think Xyston should take most of the credit here as the detail is terrific and quite nicely raised, without being overdone.

  7. Thats a heck opf a lot of Gaul(s) you have there! Excellent numbers for 2018,as well.
    I chucked at the "nearly complete", followed closely by the order for 5 more packs that you suddenly realized that you desperately needed!
    Classic wargamer! :-)

    1. Thanks Peter - a lot of Gaul is how I'd sum it up. Definitely another case of project creep, so I'll have to be strong and call a halt to after the arrival of the "final" five packs.
