Sunday 1 September 2024

AWI Queen's Rangers and Woodland Indian Allies

 The latest two units to join the AWI British are the loyalist Queen's Ranger regiment and some allied woodland Indians. First up, the Queen's Rangers:

These were quite simple to paint being mainly green and white with very little lace, so I flew through them:

The flags are from GMB and add the usual splash of colour:

I based the light company figures skirmish bases as a few of the OOBs call for the Queen's Rangers to be in skirmish rather than close order:

These were quickly completed and I thought I was on a roll:

The Indian allies however proved a far trickier lot, mainly because of the variety of dress and poses:

Here are just a few of the poses included across the four different packs:

I used the Foundry Native American Flesh triad for these figures and was pleased with the results:

I also included a few bow-armed figures. By the time of the AWI most native Americans were musket-armed, but I wanted a bit more variety. Thankfully some of the bow-armed figures are also equipped with a musket and so they do not look out of place:

I also attempted a few tattoos and body art on some of the figures, without going too over the top:

The command set also includes a 'Mad Dog' figure on a horse. I'm not sure who he was meant to be and suspect that he may have been a British officer attached to the Indians to ensure their support, although their was a 'Mad Dog' chieftain who died before the outbreak of the War of Independence:

The other main personalities are 'Red Jacket':

And the rather charismatic Joseph Brant who even travelled to England after the war and met King George III, receiving a British pension and successfully negotiating with both the British and Americans to ensure the continued independence of his people:

Fiddly, but ultimately quite fun to paint:

Next up will be the 16th and 17th Light Dragoons.