Sunday, 14 January 2024

18mm ECW Scottish Covenanter Regiments Completed

I spent most of December and the Christmas/New Year break working on six regiments of Scottish Covenanter foote, and completed the last of the basing over the weekend:

The six regiments are comprised of Ker's regiment:

The Duke of Hamilton's regiment of foote:

Sir John Haldane of Gleneagles's regiment:

Barclay's regiment:

Home's regiment:

and Lovat's regiment of foot:

Of course this meant using a lot of grey, although I did mix in a few different coat colours to provide some variation:

The pikemen offered a little more variety, and I also mixed in a sprinkling of armoured figures:

I equipped two of the regiments with pikemen in the 'pike forward' position. Not my favourite pose as they are not easy to pick up and become quite easily entangled with the rank directly in front, but at least they look as though they mean business:

The flags are again from Wargames Designs. I am very pleased with them and the size fits these larger 18mm figures well:

Including 6 spare musketeer figures which will find their way on to some forthcoming command bases, that is 294 figures completed in total:

Next up, the artillery. I have sixteen pieces to be painted, with the Scots to receive four and the Royalist and Parliamentarians six each. I have made a start on them and hope to have them all completed by the end of January, so I can then get stuck into the cavalry in February.


  1. You sure accomplish great results, Lawrence. Lovely Scots.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I was keen to get these done over the Christmas break as it means I have now completed the regiments of foot for all three armies.

  2. Great stuff Lawrence - of course, apropos Jons comment above, there isn't any other kind of Scot, apart from a lovely one...... LOL!

    1. Well, hopefully these will perform in a lovely way on the battlefield. Unless I am opposing them of course.

  3. Great looking troops. I don’t know anything about the ECW so I’m not sure what side the scots were on. Pikes forward certainly has more of an aggressive air.

    1. Thanks Stew. I think the short answer is that the Covenanters were on both sides at various times. I like the look of the pike forward, it is just not as practical as the ones with the pikes held upright.

  4. Very impressive! They look great.

    1. Thanks Codsticker, I'll hopefully be in a position to put on a game within a month or two.

  5. From anyone else, this would be astounding productivity, L:awrence! From you, it;'s merely impressive! :-)

    Lovely troops. Ile the white cuffs and collars from their shirts showing.

    1. Cheers Peter. The white collars and cuffs are probably a little too uniform, but I liked the contrast with the grey and didn't mind the fact it tied them all in.

  6. Gorgeous brushwork Lawrence. You set us all a high standard.

    1. Thanks Richard, that's very kine of you. It's easy to put in that bit of extra effort when you're immersed in a project you're enjoying.

  7. Splendid looking Scots! Your 18mms are much better than my 28mm I like your variations and the pop of white on collars and cuffs, I'll have to remember it for my hodden grey troops in Montrose's army!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain. Yes, I think the white collars and cuffs gives a lift to what could otherwise be a dull-looking uniform.
