A quick post on my final batch of 15mm Medieval English Longbowmen. I wanted to slip these in before I got started on a Teutonic army as I know if I leave them too long I will forget what colours I used on the previous group, and how I tackled the figures:
I know others keep a record of the colours, but the details on each figure and my interpretation of what they represent is also the type of thing I find difficult to remember if I have left it too long between batches:
The figures are again from Khurasan and were great to paint:
That's another twelve elements, or 48 figures, completed to provide a total of 24 elements and 96 figures of English longbow:
Here they are with the original group. At least I know I have the nucleus of an English 100 Years War army now completed and a useful contingent of allies for the many other medieval army lists in which they make an appearance:
I think I'll carry on with medievals for a little longer, while I still have the motivation, and have made a start on the Teutonic army. Hopefully more on that within the next week.