The figures are, as usual, Xyston and the shield transfers are by Little Big Men Studios:
These are mainly javelin-armed with four different poses per pack, alongside the four blade-armed figures:
I have maintained the theme of mainly using browns, cream and white linen for the tunics, with black or red for the helmet crests, which I think makes for a pleasing combination:
The shield designs are now starting to repeat themselves, but there are around forty-eight different patterns so hopefully it shouldn't be noticeable en masse:
With a bit of a push I should have the scutarii completely finished by the middle of April:
Given that this troop type represents the bulk of a Spanish ancients army, that should be about the halfway point of the project. We are playing a Carthaginian versus Spanish DBMM game this Saturday, so it will be nice to get them on the table so soon after completion.