Saturday, 18 January 2025

AWI Hessians Completed

Completion of the Hessian grenadiers a couple of weeks ago left me with just a few odds and ends to tidy up before I could call the Hessian contingent, and therefore the AWI British, complete. First off are eighteen Hessian Jaegers:

These were really nice to paint and included an interesting command figure with an eyepatch. I calculated he would be modelled after someone notable but could not guess who that might be. I found the answer on the very informative Jemima Fawr's Miniature Wargames Blog which has a wealth of well-researched information for anyone undertaking an AWI project. The subject in question is apparently Captain Johann Ewald, a veteran of the Seven Years' War, who lost his eye in a drunken duel with a friend:

The rest of the figures include some of the usual dynamic Perry skirmishing poses which are a joy to paint:

Next up were are two Hessian Swedish 4pdr cannon, artillery. I  painted them in Prussian artillery blue as this would appear to be the most likely colour scheme for pieces supplied by Hesse-Kassel:

Again, some lovely sculpting and eight different poses across the two models:

Last off the production line are the three Hessian commanders from the Perry Hessian General set.  Wilhelm von Knyphausen seems to have been a steady and calm commander:

Johann Stirn was a brigade commander and, according to the excellent Tarleton's Quarter blog, somewhat of a disciplinarian:

The final command figure is Friedrich Riedesel who was a Brunswicker and therefore in command of the Brunswick contingent. He was captured at Saratoga and, rather interestingly, appears to have been the person responsible for introducing illuminated Christmas trees to North America (according to Wikipedia at least, which means it must be true):

The Hessians are now finished and the AWI British army completed.

All up, I estimate this AWI British project now totals 834 figures made up of 769 mounted and foot and 65 horses, plus 10 artillery pieces and 8 wagons and limbers. 

This has taken the best part of ten months, which is longer than I had originally planned although I did add a few extra units on the way. 

Next up, the Continentals.


  1. These are simply wonderful looking figures Lawrence. I would love to see the collection on parade.

    1. Thanks Richard. I'm hoping I'll be able to do just that within the next month or so.

  2. Excellent work, Lawrence! I wondered about the eye-patched jaeger too. Happy to see the history behind the figure. That is some good research work by the Perry's.

    1. They do come up with some rather eclectic figures at time, which makes them all the more attractive.

  3. Some brilliant painting Lawrence!

    1. Cheers Ray. This bunch was a lot of fun to do.

  4. Lovely looking figures to finish off the Crown forces, Lawrence ..... I still have several regiments of AWI Patriots awaiting paint, once my current obsession with 10mm Ancients has run its course!

    1. Thanks Keith. I'm on to my first regiment of Continentals, and am very much looking forward to all the variety that can be found in painting them up.

  5. There is that strange word 'completed' again...great work. I really like those gunners.

    1. Thanks Mark. Hopefully they will be, unless I succumb to the temptation to purchase those amusettes, which I should have done in the first place.

  6. Splendid Prussians Lawrence, wonderful painting!

    1. Thanks Phil. It was a fun contingent to do.

  7. More beautiful work Lawrence the collection is really growing 👍

    1. Cheers Matt. As usual, much bigger than I had initially planned.

  8. Beautiful work, Jagers are cool, artillery very spiffy. The period is colorful. Did you know Perry Danish Napoleonics range includes the older version of von Ewald as a Danish General?

    1. That is interesting Joe, I didn't know that. They must be a fan of his. I'd love to purchase him but I could see it being the start of a Napoleonic Danish collection, which would be another slippery slope to start on.

  9. i'm ALWAYS having drunken duels with my friends. this duel, that duel, and I got all my eyes so there.

    outstanding work! they look really good. and 834 figures in 10 months is very impressive output.

    1. Thanks Stew and great to see you back blogging again. I'm probably too old to duel now, drunk or not.

  10. Splendid looking Hessians! I think Perry artillery crews are particularly well thought out and impressive as little mini vignettes! Danish Napoleonics? You know you want to!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain. If the Perry's ever release 1813 Swedes then any resolve I have will definitely be gone.
