Thursday 26 December 2019

15mm Numidian Skirmishers

I have managed to make a fair bit of progress with the Numidian project over the last few weeks, including the completion of thirty-five elements of Numidian javelin-armed light infantry:

These are the usual mix of four different poses available in the Xyston packs of eight figures each:

As with the Numidian cavalry, I kept the colours fairly simple and gave them a mix of animal-hide shields:

I also managed to complete eight elements of bow-armed light infantry, and another eight of slingers:

I found these a little more interesting to paint, mainly because they were at least carrying some equipment in the form of a quiver for the bowmen and a bag of projectiles for the sling-armed figures:

I have also managed to complete a few elements of baggage train which I am just finalising at the moment, and hope to have up in a few days' time.


  1. You are a master of understatement! Thirty-five elements is a “fair bit of progress?” Ha! That sounds like significant work to me. Great job on your Numidians!

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I have actually nearly finished this small project, with only some Roman-trained infantry and a handful of elements to go now.

  2. Great work Lawrence, as Jonathan says, your painting output is always very impressive, almost up there with our friend 1866 Mark!

    1. They came out we, Lawrence, Granted they are relatively easy to paint, still I make that 96 figures, which is quite a notable output!

    2. Thanks Keith. Since they are only 15mm however I would not dare compare my output with that of Mr Strachan's!

    3. Cheers Peter. I am quite pleased with the rate of progress on this one I have to say. The weather here has been unseasonably cooler than usual, which has also been a great help.

  3. What an impressive and most beautiful collection of skirmishers...COngrats!

  4. Well done Lawrence, but what is that odd term...”nearly finished”...suchf an odd concept!

    1. I agree that it is an illusory concept Mark, in this case borne out of a desire never to paint another Numidian again after I have finished this lot.

  5. Great looking mob of skirmishers!
    Best Iain
