The figures are again TAG castings and are fun to paint. As the majority are holding bows there wasn't any drilling of hands to be done, apart from the command figures. This is one of my pet hates as, even though I have several sets of pin vices, I can be a little heavy-handed and invariably end up taking away a hand or two (including parts of mine on several occasions):
Here they are again alongside the first unit completed last month, making thirty-six figures on eighteen bases in total:
Each unit contains two command bases. This means that there are less actual horse archers but provides more flexibility with regard to unit size:
Which theoretically means that it should be easier to make an evade move, although I'm sure I'll find a way to run them through a unit of Janissaries:
That's it for the Akinjis, which I believe now represents just over the half-way point for the project.
Two units of Janissaries = 48 figures
Three units of Azabs = 72 figures
Two units of Sipahis = 48 figures (including horses)
Three units of Akinjis = 72 figures (including horses)
Total to date = 240 figures
Three units of Feudal Sipahis = 72 figures (including horses)
One unit of Delhis = 24 figures (including horses)
Two more units of Janissaries = 48 figures
One unit of Tufekcis = 24 figures
Six artillery pieces and crew = 24 figures
Command figures = 12 figures
Total remaining = 204 figures and six guns
With regard to command figures, I have finished the first:
No doubt they will make a reappearance once I get around to the remainder, but it is nice to get one stand under the belt for now at least:
That's it for now. Hopefully I'll have the next unit of bow-armed Janissaries completed before the end of March, which should keep things rolling.